Preliminary Rule Page

Preliminary Rule Page


1: To post in this RP as a new player, you are REQUIRED to join the chatroom at Chatspike, channel #Loranna_RP. If you post without character and player approval in the chat, your post will be reported as spam.


2: If you have technical problems accessing the chat, please try to PM one of the following RPers using the TES board's PM function: Loranna, Allerleirauh, Solin, Dumbkid, Arynel and Nalion. Please check whether they are online for a quick response. In any case, wait for a reply first before posting or your post will be reported as spam.


3: Reading the following articles is mandatory: Allerleirauh's Newbie Guide and Loranna's Guide to Character Generation. We reserve the rights to ask you about the content of these rules to check whether you have read them. If you do not read these articles, you will not be allowed to participate in the RP.


4: Once your character has been approved, please read the Loranna's Roleplaying Rules. Again, this is mandatory. If you do not follow these rules, we will not hesitate to either ask you to edit your post in light cases or dismiss you from the RP.


Don't let this happen to you!

The image is courtesy of Rhedd, bow to his awesomeness when you meet him!