
Loranna RP Wiki Posting and Editing Basics


Creating a new page


Creating a new page for the wiki is a relatively simple affair. Make sure that you are logged in and simply type the url of the page you wish to create into the urlbar of your browser. It will take you immediately to an editing screen.


For instance, this page was created by entering into address bar.


Please try to follow the current naming conventions for the section you're creating a new page in.


Editing a page


Pages can be edited by simply clicking the "Edit this page" button on every page of the wiki. Rather than writing the entire page from scratch it is often easier to copy already established pages and edit them to suit you needs. Observing the wiki code in action is also a good way to learn how to code a particular effect.


On the editing page there should be a link to "Wiki Style" which should contain a healthy amount of information on how to code pages and provide links to some more advanced tutorials.



Linking a page


Linking also a simple affair. There are two meathods that work consitently.


By placing the name of the page you want to link to in brackets the wiki will automatically link to that page's url. For example, [WikiBasics] appears as WikiBasics.


The second meathod is generally useful when linking externally. It follows the same procedure but with a minor addition. In the brackets write the target url followed by a seperating | and then the text you want to display as the link. For example, [|WikiBasics] appears as WikiBasics.





If you have any questions please contact Solin, Nalion, or Loranna via the IRC based chat or a PM on the offical Elderscrolls Forum.


